Expert B2B and Web Copywriting Services for the Sport Industry


Do you need persuasive copywriting or content marketing by sport industry experts?

We understand your clients’ needs because we’re trained in, and work with, sport professionals

We offer a range of B2B and web content marketing copywriting services, but specialize in the following services:

White papers

Also known as special reports, white papers can help establish your company/yourself as a leader in your field, engage your prospects, and generate leads. White papers can introduce, explain and/or justify your product or service offering.

There are three types of white papers. The right one for you depends on where you want to position it in your sales funnel.

The sample here was written to convince a hospital to purchase a low-dose radiation machine EOS system white paper

Case studies or Success Stories

Also known as success stories, case studies showcase the use and value of your product or service to your clients. This serves as a powerful testimonial for you.

You can use case studies in other promotions and copy (e.g., blogs, social media posts, and flyers).

The sample here is one we completed as an exercise to become AWAI-verified case study specialists: Sample Case Study

Website services

Site audit evaluations or analyses help you identify problem areas on your website to improve visitors’ experiences and lead generation/conversion.

Website content development and optimization help you tailor your website content for client experience and lead generation/conversion. We review titles, headlines, content, layout, and SEO during this process.

For a portfolio one-sheet a website redesign, click on this Portfolio one-sheet – website.

Other services

  • Key message copy platforms to align all your marketing strategy and tactics
  • Emails and letters for lead generation
  • Press releases
  • Infographics
  • Grant writing

To explore how you can harness the SportCopywriters’ international knowledge, experience and expertise, email us at [email protected], call +1 (613) 791-1247 or contact us using this form.